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OiRA National partners

National OiRA partners are mainly national authorities (ministries and labour inspectorates) and national OSH institutes that have decided to join the OiRA community and to develop and implement the OiRA programme in their countries.

IRAT partners

The IRAT network is made up of OSH institutions and ministries that have developed their own free interactive risk assessment tool (IRAT). Although their risk assessment tools may differ, all these institutions face the same challenges, such as helping MSEs in the process of assessing their risks; reaching out to the maximum number of MSEs; maintaining and updating their software in the long term.

EU sectoral social dialogue

Social dialogue refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions involving organisations representing the two sides of industry (employers and workers).

EU-OSHA works closely with the EU sectoral social dialogue committees to develop OiRA tools for particular sectors (mainly in English and with reference to the relevant EU directives), with the aim of adapting them to national contexts as a second step.

Other partners