Other stakeholders

Other stakeholders

International organisations or large companies interested in learning more about OiRA and/or implementing it in their country/organisation. 

Who has access to OiRA?

OiRA and access to our system is only available to official EU Member States as well as EFTA countries. EU-OSHA is unable to provide support to other international partners.

Case study: OiRA for a multinational company

This case study looks at how a multinational car manufacturer has successfully adapted EU-OSHA’s OiRA software to support coordinated, company-wide risk assessment. It explores the challenges that the company faced initially, what has been achieved and the opportunities that implementing the software has created — including cost savings, promoting worker involvement and the potential to roll out the software in several languages. The case study also highlights how this company’s approach to tailoring the OiRA software is transferable, offering potential other multinationals.

For more information: https://osha.europa.eu/en/publications/oira-multinational-company

OiRA profile image

Open source information

OiRA is open-source software. Free open-source software is liberally licensed to grant the right for users to use, study, change and improve its design through the availability of its source code.
OiRA is built on top of the enterprise content management system “Plone”.

The source for the project called “Euphorie” https://pypi.org/project/Euphorie/ 

And the full Version Control System (github) is available here: https://github.com/euphorie/Euphorie

Specific additions that have been used by EU-OSHA in OiRA can be found here: https://pypi.org/project/osha.oira/ and https://github.com/euphorie/osha.oira


A guide for installation can be found here: http://oira.manual.syslab.com/install/manual.html 


For more information about implementing OiRA please contact: oira [at] osha.europa.eu (oira[at]osha[dot]europa[dot]eu)