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OiRA National partners

National OiRA partners are mainly national authorities (ministries and labour inspectorates) and national OSH institutes that have decided to join the OiRA community and to develop and implement the OiRA programme in their countries.

IRAT partners

The IRAT network is made up of OSH institutions and ministries that have developed their own free interactive risk assessment tool (IRAT). Although their risk assessment tools may differ, all these institutions face the same challenges, such as helping MSEs in the process of assessing their risks; reaching out to the maximum number of MSEs; maintaining and updating their software in the long term.

EU sectoral social dialogue

Social dialogue refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions involving organisations representing the two sides of industry (employers and workers).

EU-OSHA works closely with the EU sectoral social dialogue committees to develop OiRA tools for particular sectors (mainly in English and with reference to the relevant EU directives), with the aim of adapting them to national contexts as a second step.

Other partners


Test Highlight from NCW to OiRA

To highlight our current Healthy Workplaces Campaign on digitalisation, EU-OSHA’s director, William Cockburn, presented excerpts of the work the agency has developed on psychosocial risks, particularly in the digital age.His intervention also…

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Test News from NCW to OiRA

To highlight our current Healthy Workplaces Campaign on digitalisation, EU-OSHA’s director, William Cockburn, presented excerpts of the work the agency has developed on psychosocial risks, particularly in the digital age.His intervention also…

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TBM 4/1

Here I am will you send me an angel in the land of the morning star

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Highlight to be migrated

Here i am will you send me an angel in the land of the morning star

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EU-OSHA to investigate how OiRA is used in multiple countries

A new research project to understand how Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tools are used in more EU countries is underway. After a successful study in France, EU-OSHA is now focusing on Lithuania and Cyprus.The study involves qualitative…

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Risk assessment first: Learning how to use OiRA in Slovakia

A seminar hosted by Slovakia’s National Labour Inspectorate / Národný inšpektorát práce takes place in the town of Žilina to promote risk assessment practices and the use of Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tools.Experts from Žilina…

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Conducting risk assessments in Klaipeda with the assistance of OiRA

Did you know that there are over 20 Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tools available in Lithuania, covering a wide range of sectors such as construction, cleaning services, manufacturing or motor vehicles, among others?An event taking place…

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OiRA tools protect woodworkers

Woodworking and carpentry are sectors going along with high-risks. Workers are exposed to mechanical risks stemming for example from falling trees and dealing with heavy machinery. However the list of risks is much longer including aa variety of…

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Safer conditions for workers in mining and quarrying thanks to OiRA

Mining and quarrying can be dangerous occupations. Hazards associated include operating high-risk, heavy machinery, loud noises, exposure to dust, explosions and fires.  It is essential and legally required for employers in this sector (and in…

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